Sunday, November 22, 2009

SIEMENS 840D parameters meaning

[sell = 200] 10000 machine axis names

10002 NCK mechanical axis of the logic diagram

10008 PLC controlled axes the maximum number of

10010 means the effective channel group

10050 basic system cycle time

10059 Profibus alarm identifier (only internal)

10060 position control loop coefficient of

10061 position control loop

10062 position control loop delay

10065 Location Set Delay

10070 interpolation computing device periodic coefficients

10071 interpolation cycle

10072 communication tasks cycle coefficient

10074 PLC task than the coefficient of interpolation task

10075 PLC cycle time

The actual value of 10080 sampling distribution coefficient

10082 speed setting output ahead of time

10083 Position controller output hold time bias

10085 interrupt program segment monitoring time (expired - activation)

10088 Restart Delay

10089 lack of bus waiting time when the pulse suppression

10090 monitor cycle coefficient

10091 Check the display of cycle time

10092 security data further confirmed that the cycle time display

No. 10093 SPL file access

10094 disable the security alarm level

10095 secure way to shield

10096 Safety diagnostic function

10097 for the SPL-balance to stop reaction

10098 PROFIsafe communications coefficient

10099 PROFI secure communications cycle time

10100 maximum PLC cycle

10110 PLC confirmed that the average time

10120 PLC time to start monitoring

10130 with the time limit for MMC Communications

10131 overload the screen updates are processed

10132 in the part program in the monitoring of the time MMC Command

10134 simultaneous MMC number of nodes

10136 PCS location of the display

10140 time limit and drive communication

Coefficient of 10150 and drive communication

10160 and the coefficient of MMC Communications

10165 reserved:

10170 MMC mission start-up time limit

10180 MMC tasks to the task of preparing the coefficients

10185 NCK run-time components

10190 simulation tool change time

10192 gear shift time

10200 linear position of the calculation accuracy

10210 angle position accuracy

10220 activated proportional coefficient

10230 machine data proportional coefficient

Basic metric unit of length 10240

10250 INCH conversion factor

10260 valid conversion of the basic settings

10270 Position proportional system tables

10.28 thousand pairs of rel.6.3 comparison "and" compatible with

10284 different display variables approach

10290 OEM tool physical units of data

10291 SIEMENS-OEM tool data unit

10292 OEM knife along the data in physical units

10293 SIEMENS-OEM Knife units along the data

10300 NCK number of analog input

10310 NCK number of analog outputs

10320 NCK analog input ratio of

10330 NCK analog output ratio of

10340 reserved:

10350 NCK number of bytes of digital input

10360 NCK number of bytes of digital output

10361 binary input and output short-circuit

10362 NCK analog input configuration

10364 NCK analog output configuration

10366 NCK digital input configuration

10368 NCK digital output configuration

10380 Updated NCK I / O devices

10382 NCK peripheral boot times

10384 NCK I / O processing

10385 PROFI Security - Address Master - Equipment

10386 PROFI Security - Address Input - Equipment

10387 PROFI Security - Address output - Equipment

10388 input distribution $ A_INSE to PROFIsafe-de

10389 output allocated $ A_OUTSE to PROFIsafe-de

10390 SPL input to the allocation of the external interface

10392 SPL output of the external interface, the allocation of

10394 can be read directly in the NC the number of PLC input byte

10395 direct read PLC input bit starting address

10396 can be written directly in the NC the number of PLC input byte

10397 Direct write PLC output bit starting address

10398 PLCIO input cycle time to upgrade

10399 for the highest PLCIO Left / Right highest

10400 cycle edit the number of input bytes

10410 bytes build cycle output

10420 compile cycle NCK output

10430 editing hardware debugging cycle shielding

10450 allocated to the machine axis cam software

10460 Negative Cam 1 - 16 (32) time to respond to

10461 is Cam 1 - 16 (32) time to respond to

10470 I / O devices 1 - 8 cam configuration

10471 I / O devices 9-16 cam configuration

10472 I / O devices 17 - 24 cam configuration

10473 I / O devices 25 - 32 cam configuration

10480 NCU cam signal output of the shielding

10485 Cam Features

10490 block of soft measurement

10530 bytes of an analog comparator output

10531 bytes of two analog comparator output

10540 bytes of a comparator parametric

10541 bytes of two parameters of the comparator of

10600 FRAME (frame) rotation of input type

10602 geometric axis conversion FRAME

10604 to change the geometric axis of the work area restrictions

10610 mirror reference axis

10612 mirror to change

10613 NCU global basis FRAME reset after activation

10615 reset after power-on the basis of the overall FRAME

10617 is stored in the subroutine when the behavior of FRAME

10618 GEO-axis changes in the scope of protection

The name of the Euler angles 10620

10630 common name of the vector

10640 The name of the direction vector

10642 The name of the rotation vector

10644 the name of the temporary vector

The direction of the path name of the second program 10646

10648 bottom corner the name of the

10650 interpolation parameter the name of the

10652 defines the name of contour point

The name of the definition of contour radius of 10654

10656 defines the name of profile slope

10660 G2/G3 center coordinates the name of the

10670 Name of location information

10672 axis location information name

10674 Polynomial programming programming without G function POLY

10700 programs pre-processing stage

10702 signal to stop to prevent

10704 dry run to activate

10706 valid skip

10707 programming test mode

10708 program segment search mode

10710 update the data set

10712 is not configured a list of NC codes

10713 with pre-stop M code

F. After the M code 10714 reset spindle activation

10715 M code is replaced by the subroutine

10716 M code to replace the name of the subroutine

10717 T code to replace the name of the subroutine

M code 10718 with a parameter substitution

10719 T function to replace the parameters of

10720 Power-on mode of operation

10722 Parameter Change

10730 Manual (JOG) key features

10731 Manual (JOG) key features

10760 G53, G153, SUPA description

10780 delete TP edit the boot against

10800 1st M function of channel synchronization

10802 channels of simultaneous function of the final M

10804 M function is activated ASUP

10806 M did not activate the feature ASUP

10808 interrupt program to activate (ASUP)

10810 G31 P measured signal structure

10812 pairs of knife with G68

10814 MACRO call the M-function

10815 M function macro call subroutine name of the

10816 macro function called G

10817 G function macro call subroutine name of the

10818 ASUP start (M96) interrupt number

10820 Quick to return the number of interrupts (G10.6)

10850 OEM-G-code for the greatest number of

10880 fit the definition of CNC systems

10881 ISO_3 mode: G code system

10882 users outside NC language code table G

10884, with or without numerical calculation, the command

10886 Incremental Systems

The location of tool No. 10888

10890 external language tools programming model

10892 G00 interpolation

10900 Dividing the number of axes in Table 1 Position

10910 separated by location in Table 1

10920 indexing the location of the number of axes in Table 2

10930 separated by location in Table 2

11100 supporting functional group the number of auxiliary functions

11110 supporting functional group description

11120 program global user data (PUD) coefficient of effective

11140 In addition to addresses outside of the module GUD

11200 on the power-load standard data

11210 Only save the modified machine data

11220 INI initialization file error when the system response

11230 MD file backup structure

No. 11240 SDB1000

11250 Profibus stop processing

11270 NC language elements in the default activation

11280 dealing with INI files in the workpiece directory

11290 Choose a directory in the DRAM

11291 DRAM select the directory

11295 log file storage type

11300 JOG in the way the INC and REF

11310 hand-wheel to change the direction of the threshold

11320 handwheel position of each interval pulses

11322 Claw the location of each cam pulse contour handwheel

11324 hand wheel numbers described in the VDI interface

11330 INC / round of the incremental size of the hand -

11340 3rd hand wheel: Drive Type

11342 3rd hand wheel: Drive Number / Measurement Circuit Number

11344 3rd hand wheel: Input Module / measuring circuit

11346 hand wheel:

11360 INC affect the way the signal group

11380 Security Integration testing machine data

11382 address unit INTEGER integer display

11384 addresses the REAL display unit

11386 address unit INTEGER integer input

11388 addresses the REAL input unit

11390 addresses the content of rewriting unit

Axis variable server error 11398

11400 to activate the internal locus Function

11410 Alarm output shielding

11411 Alarm Activation

11412 Alarm Response CHAN_NOREADY effective

11413 Alarm parameters as text output

11420 log file size (KB)

11430 digital channel when the definition of

11432 Option 3-axis or 3 +2 axis digital

11450 Parametric Search

11460 asynchronous mode of reciprocating form

11470 reconfigure the properties of

11480 OB1 trajectory data in the cache depth of PLC

11481 OB35 trajectory data in the cache depth of PLC

11482 OB40 trajectory data in the cache depth of PLC

11500 protected synchronized action

11510 maximum allowable load of IPO

11600 fixed BAG Response

11602 ASUP run-time without considering the reasons for stopping

11604 ASUP_START_MAS Priority effective

11610 user-defined procedures for activating ASUP

11612 user-defined level of protection ASUP Programming

11620 PROG_EVENT program name

11640 enable intervals MD $ MC_AXCONF_MACHAX_USED

11649 Open the # MC_AXCONF_MACHAX_USED the protection of

11660 the number of possible electronic gear box

11700 NC card code

12000 axis feed magnification switch codes

12010 axis feed magnification factor of

12020 Gray - coded path feed rate of switch

12030 magnification coefficient of the path feed

12040 Gray code to run fast magnification switch

12050 Rapid feed of the magnification factor of

12060 Gray yards spindle magnification switch

12070 Spindle magnification coefficient of

12080 back to the rate of magnification reference point

12082 Feed Rate

12100 binary encoding of the magnification limit

12200 run in the magnification 12:00

12202 Linear axis feed rates of the fixed

12204 axis of rotation of the fixed feed rate of

12205 Spindle Fixed Speed

12510 in the NCU group NCU code

12520 NCU number, bus termination impedance and effective

12540 baud connection Bus

12550 to repeat the information store the maximum amount of

12701 in the shaft axis in a list of series

12702 in the shaft axis in the list of series 2

12703 series of three in the axis of the axis list

12704 Series 4 in the shaft axis in the list of

12705 series of 5 in the shaft axis lists

12706 series of 6 in the shaft axis list

12707 series of 7 in the shaft axis lists

12708 series of 8 in the shaft axis lists

12709 series of 9 in the axis of the shaft list

12710 series in the axis of the shaft 10 list

12711 series of 11 in the shaft axis list

12712 series of 12 in the shaft axis lists

12713 series of 13 in the shaft axis lists

12714 series of 14 in the shaft axis lists

12715 series of 15 in the shaft axis list

12716 series of 16 in the shaft axis list

12750 Shaft Series Name

12970 Digital PLC input address of the start address

12971 Digital Input Address Number

12974 digital PLC output addresses starting address

Digital Output Address No. 12975

12978 analog input address of the start address of PLC

No. 12979 analog input address

12982 Analog PLC output addresses starting address

Analog Output Address No. 12983

13000 drivers in

13010 logical drive number

13020 driver module power part of the code

13030 Module Identification

13040 Drive Type

13050 logic drives the address

13060 Profibus-DP standard communication types

13070 using the DP functional

13080 Drive Type Profibus

13100 Diagnosis-driven bus

13200 probe polarity change

13201 measured with a digital output pulse simulation

13210 Probe with Profibus-driven type of operation

13220 probe delay time

14000 SSI absolute encoder baud rate

14010 FIPO start-up delay

14020 SSI Delay

14,500 the number of input bytes (from the PLC)

The number of bytes 14502 output (to PLC)

No. 14504 user data (INT)

14506 user data of the number (HEX)

14508 user data of the number (FLOAT)

14510 user data (INT)

14512 user data (HEX)

14514 user data (FLOAT)

14516 user data (HEX)

17200 Global MMC information (no physical units

17201 Global MMC state information (no physical unit)

No. 17,500 to replace the greatest tool

17510 unloading tool - the operational status of the data

17520 generate a new tool: the default settings

17530 mark for the HMI tool - Data - Change

17600 REORG to optimize the depth of the log storage

18000 Update PLC Interface

18040 PCMCIA card version and date of

18050 free unbuffered memory [bytes]

18060 free buffer memory [bytes].

18070 In the DPR [bytes] free store

18072 free space in the CC-MD-MEM in the display

18080 TC reserved memory (SRAM)

18082 NCK in the tool (SRAM)

18084 NCK in the tool magazine (SRAM)

18086 NCK in the position of the knife base (SRAM)

18088 Cutter Jaw for the largest number (SRAM)

18090 OEM tool library data (SRAM)

18091 OEM Knife library data types (SRAM)

18092 OEM Tool Storage location data (SRAM)

18093 OEM Tool Storage location data types (SRAM)

18094 OEM tool the amount of data (SRAM)

18095 OEM tool data types (SRAM)

18096 Each knife along the OEM data (SRAM)

18097 OEM knife along the type of data (SRAM)

18098 OEM monitor the amount of data (SRAM)

18099 OEM monitoring data types (SRAM)

18100 knife knife partial value of partial area (SRAM)

No. 18102 D programming type (SRAM)

18104 tool in the tool area with devices (SRAM)

18105 D the maximum number (DRAM)

18106 maximum number of each tool (DRAM)

18108 Tool regional total deviation (SRAM)

18110 Each knife along the largest and verify the number of

18112 TO (SRAM), Chief amendments

18114 cutter knife along the distribution

18116 in the TO-region Tool Environment (SRAM)

18118 GUD volume of documentation (SRAM)

18120 Global GUD definition of the number of (SRAM)

18130 Channel GUD definition of the number of (SRAM)

18140 axis GUD definition of the number of (SRAM)

18150 GUD value memory (SRAM)

18160 the number of macros (DRAM)

18170 the number of additional functions (DRAM)

18180 the number of additional parameters (DRAM)

18190 overall number of protected area (SRAM)

18200 Siemens OEM tool library data (SRAM)

18201 Siemens OEM tool library data types (SRAM)

18202 Siemens OEM partial quantity of data (SRAM)

18203 Siemens OEM Tool Storage location data type SRAM

18204 Siemens OEM tool the amount of data (SRAM)

18205 Siemens OEM tool data types (SRAM)

18206 Each knife along the Siemens OEM data, SRAM

18207 Each knife along the Siemens OEM data type SRAM

18208 Siemens OEM monitor the amount of data (SRAM)

18209 Siemens OEM monitoring data types (SRAM)

18210 user memory in the DRAM [kB]

18220 user memory in the DPR

18230 user memory in the SRAM [kB]

18238 CC-MD in the SRAM [kB]

18240 LUD disorderly size of the table (DRAM)

18242 LUD / GUD value memory limit

18250 channel data table size (DRAM)

18260 disorderly global data table size (DRAM)

18270 the number of subdirectories (DRAM)

18280 number of files per directory (DRAM)

18290 files and disorderly table size (SRAM)

18300 subdirectories disordered table size (SRAM)

18310 passive file system directory (SRAM)

18320 in passive file system data (SRAM)

18330 NC block the maximum length (SRAM)

18331 FFS reserved (DRAM)

18332 FFS size

18342 Sag compensation for the mid-point (SRAM)

18350 smallest part program memory (SRAM)

18351 part program memory size (DRAM)

18360 reload buffer (DRAM)

18362 external program-level (DRAM) Number

18370 file system protocol file

18371 the number of standard data tables ETPD

18372 OEM data sheet ETPD the number of

18373 servo data recording the number of

18374 log file cache size

18375 for the conference to release the user.

18400 curve number table (SRAM)

18402 the number of curve segments (SRAM)

18404 Table polynomial curve number (SRAM)

18406 curve number table (DRAM)

18408 the number of curve segments (DRAM)

18410 Table polynomial curve number (DRAM)

18500 communication tasks (ext.DRAM) stack size of

18502 communication tasks (DRAM) of the stack size of the

18510 servo task (DRAM) of the stack size of the

18512 Ipo the size of the task (DRAM)

18520 driving task (DRAM) of the stack size of the

18530 MMC task (DRAM) size of the stack

18540 PLC task (DRAM) stack size

18600 FRAME precision bias (SRAM)

18601 global user FRAME number (SRAM)

18602 Basic FRAME overall number of (SRAM)

18700 NCU joins the variable memory (SRAM)

18720 store location of the size of instruction set (IPO, and between the position control)

18780 activated NCU-join (SRAM)

18781 the number of internal links

18782 NCU-join the number of modules (SRAM)

18790 NCU joins trajectory data buffer size of the

18792 NCU joins the list of active documents

18794 Vdi-signal trace list

18800 defines an external NC Language

18900 FPU system response calculation errors

18910 FPU control word of the basic initialization

18920 FPU exception to the form of computational error

19000 operational data

19100 Option Data

19110 Option Data

19120 Option Data

19130 Option Data

19140 Option Data

19142 Option Data

19150 Option Data

19200 Option Data

19220 Option Data

19240 Option Data

19250 Option Data

19270 Option Data

19280 Option Data

19290 Option Data

19296 Option Data

19300 Option Data

19310 Option Data

19320 Option Data

19330 Option Data

19334 Option Data

19340 Option Data

19400 Option Data

19410 Option Data

19,500 Option Data

19600 Option Data

19610 Option Data

19700 Option Data

19800 Option Data

20000 Channel Name

20050 geometric axes - the distribution channel axis

20060 channels in the name of the geometric axis

No. 20070 channel machine tool axis

20080 channels in the name of the channel axis

No. 20090 Spindle-led

20092 spindle rotation enable / allow it to abolish

20094 Running M-axis operation (Siemens Model)

20095 Shaft run M functions (external mode)

20096 T, M tool to change the address code

20098 show axis in the MMC

20100 with the face of the geometric axis Axis Function

20108 event-driven program called settings

20109 Prog-Events attributes

20110 RESET reset when the basic feature set

20112 NC to start a basic feature set

20114 way to change the MDI interrupted

20116 with a time limit of the interrupt program to shut down

20117 with a signal interruption program to shut down

20118 geometric axis changes automatically to

20120 reset the entry into force of tool

20121 reset the pre-selection tool

20122 RESET Reset / start-up and TC take effect when the tool

20123 RESET during the pre-selection value of $ P_USEKT

Tool clamping device, No. 20124

20126 RESET reset when the knife into force

20128 ATC in the search

20130 RESET reset when the knife along the entry into force of

20132 total deviation effectively reset

20140 Kin make the transition into force with the reset.

20150 G code group's initial set up

20152 G code group reset

20154 G code group's initial set up

20156 external G Unit reset method

20160 C-spline the number of blocks

20170 COMPRESS compression the maximum block length of the

20172 COMPRESSION Compression calculating the maximum feed rate of the path

20180 with a turret of the rotation axis incremental

20182 with a turret of the rotation axis bias

20184 Part No. bias Basic FRAME

20200 chamfer / fillet empty program segment

20201 Bevel Rounding Behavior

20202 Yes / No with SA block the transmission of the number of movements

20204 in closer to / back to back direction when the reverse

20210 block of compensation with TRC maximum angle of

20220 DISC maximum value of

20230 with TRC calculation of the maximum angle of interpolation

20240 with the program segment profile TRC Calculation

20250 Yes / No with a TR block the transmission of the number of movements

20252 with the largest block of tool compensation amount of

20254 On-line Tool Compensation enabled

20256 polynomial interpolation is possible

20.26 thousand pairs of spline interpolation of the speed control

20262 Executive SPLINE (spline), the path to the speed error

20270 does not process the initial location of the edge

20272 initial position without programming, the total parity

20310 effective tool management functions

20320 turret in the time monitoring tool

20350 activation tool monitoring

20360 Tool definition of parameters

20380 with G43 / G44 cutter compensation mode

20382 Tool Compensation activities

Axis Tool Length Compensation 20384 driven simulation

20390 active temperature compensation

20392 maximum tool length of the temperature compensation

20396 in the direction of DRF offset tool

20400 block of the speed of the subsequent pre -

20430 pre-magnification rate of the number of characters

20440 programs magnification characteristics of pre-state speed

20450 block cycle time of the release factor

20455 to predict the future of the special features

20460 predictable function of smoothing factor

20462 with a programmed feed rate of the feed

20465 dynamic feed rate trajectory matches

20470 Contour Programming Accuracy

20480 with a G64x smoothing properties

20482 Compressor way

20484 Compressor Power

20490 G641/G642 magnification factor is not bound by

20500 fixed-rate minimum time

20550 G00/G01 terms of precise positioning

20552 G00/G01-chan to determine the exact position of the conditions

20600 with the greatest impact on the path

20602 dynamic path curve effect

20603 in the path of the curve when the effect of impact

20610 covering the anti-acceleration

20620 geometry-axis hand wheel increment limit

20621-axis hand wheel increment limit

20622 speed path coverage

20623 Directional Speed Rate

20624 PLC to stop hand wheel feed

20650 processing thread when the axis of acceleration

20660 Fast l angle detection means (thread)

20700 had no reference point to start is prohibited NC

20730 G0 interpolation mode

20732 G00 interpolation

20734 language function cursor

20750 with G96 of the G0 logic

20800 subroutine end / stop signal to the PLC

20850 in the SPOS / SPOA to the PLC when the output of M19

20900 servo axes with a platform for beating the curve

20905 platform, the default memory type curve

21000 end-point monitoring of Circle coefficient

21010 end-point monitoring of Circle coefficient

21015 Involute terminal control coefficient

21016 Automatic limit is invalid

21020 workspace restrictions tool radius

21050 Contour - channel - Monitoring Tolerance

21060 Contour Channel Monitor Response

21070 Contour errors Analog Output

21080 for 3D TR path to the direction of the minimum angle of cutting tool

21082 with a tilt angle "" 0 (3 general / T direction of the minimum angle of

21084 General / path minimum angle (3D face cutting)

21090 spatial location of the largest program guide angle

21092 Spatial Orientation of the maximum tilt angle

21100 azimuth angle of the definition of programming

21102 code defined by G-axis positioning

Directional interpolation of the G code 21104

21106 Descartes jog with the way the system corresponding

21108 large circular interpolation method, pole po

21110 defines a system with automatic FRAME

21120 ORI-axis is defined as the reference axis

21130 ORI-axis is defined as the reference axis

21150 agreed directional axis fast-moving

21155 agreed rate of orientation axes

21160 agreed geometric axis fast-moving

21165 agreed rate of the geometric axis

21170 orientation axis accelerometer

21180 axis software limits of the original inspection

21186 Bias TOCARR round-axis bias

21190 revised model of tool direction

21194 on-line tool changes the direction of the speed

21196 Tool line changes direction, acceleration

Fast-moving distance of 21200 returned

21202 with a quick return mirror

21204 cessation of the rapid return characteristics of

21210 for the interruption of NCK input bytes

21220 NCK I / O "a few feed speed / section"

21230 "Several feed / block" memory response

21240 protected synchronous activity

21300 definition of synchronous spindle, machine tool axis No.

21310 synchronous coupling type spindle

21320 block of spindle synchronization transition

21330 Synchronous spindle features interrupted

21340 Synchronous spindle parameter is write-protected

21380 delay ESR-Axes

21381 IPO-controlled ESR-Time Interrupt

21400 digital version of the package

21420 probe axis distribution

21422 Z direction of the initial stress

21424 probe resolution

21430 minimum bias

21432 Typical skew values

21434 E-STOP bias in a

21436 E-STOP bias 2

21440 in place when the digital measurement error range

21450 digital measurement of the fast-running

21460 digital when the maximum acceleration

21462 positioning of the maximum acceleration

21464 sampling of the maximum acceleration

21470 manually P factor

21472 P factor here

21474 scan time constant

21476 knives knife folder sent to Vector FM

21500 Grinding vertical axis bias

21501 offset the level of grinding axes

21502 adjust the vertical axis bias

21504 working the vertical edge bias

21506 offset the level of the work of Segment

21508 Q1 of the vertical component

21510 Q1 of the horizontal component of

21512 Q2 of the vertical component

21514 Q2 of the horizontal component of

21516 job-edge lead angle

21518 job-edge high-end exposure limits

21520 job-edge exposure to low limit

21522 Definition of grinding spindle

21524 control the definition of spindle

21526 G0 special logic

22000 Auxiliary function group

22010 Types of Accessibility

22020 Accessibility Extension

22030 Auxiliary Function Value

22035 Output Description

22040 pre-defined group of auxiliary functions

22050 pre-defined auxiliary function method

22060 pre-defined auxiliary function expansion

22070 pre-defined values of the auxiliary function

22080 Output Description

22100 with auxiliary function program segment changes

22110 H-assisted functional types is an integer

22200 M function of output time

22210 S function of output time

22220 T function of output time

22230 H function of output time

22240 F function of output time

22250 D function of output time

22252 DL function of output time

22254 additional functionality to stop a program M

22256 for the conditional M-functional add-st

22260 E function of output time

22300 block output after a search of the auxiliary functions

22400 through the reset function so that the entry into force S

22410 RESET (reset) to enable the entry into force of F function

22420 FGROUP directive to set default values

22500 PLC G function

G-code 22510 to the PLC

22512 external NC language G-code to deliver the

22515 G Group to the PLC model

22530 turret M-code changes

22532 geometry-axis M-code changes

22534 transform M-code changes

22550 with a T or M features a new tool compensation

22560 ATC M-function

22562 Tool exchange process error

22600 after a search of the speed of program segment 5

22601 program segment 5 after a search of the speed factor

22620 basic function is set to start in special

22621 to release $ MC_START_MODE_MASK_PRT

22622 allows PLC to start part program

22700 TRACE_STARTTRACE_EVENT track file record

22702 boot track conditions documented

22704 documented the conditions for cessation of locus

22706 CommandSequenzStep stop tracking documentation

22708 select the contents of the file path

22710 specified trajectory data

22712 specified index tracking data

22714 trace file settings

22800 simplify the trajectory output activation

22900 Strokecheck direction (internal / external)

22910 proportional coefficient of input sensitivity

22914 axis ratio coefficient (G51) to activate

22920 fixed feed rate F1 - F9 activate

22930 allocated channel axis parallel to the geometric axis

24000 G58 and G9 FRAME regional

24002 Channel-based FRAME activated after reset

24004 reset after power-based channel FRAME

24006 reset the system after the activation FRAME

24007 Reset Reset frame after the removal system

24008 reset after power-based channel FRAME

24010 reset mode programming FRAME

24020 FRAME inhibition Location

24030 ACS coordinated system of regulation

24040 Effective Frame of adaptation

24050 save and activate the data frame

24100 channel conversion of a

24110 convert an axial distribution of

24120 Geometry / channel axis distribution, conversion 1

24130 with the first conversion tool handle

24200 conversion of two channels

24210 Conversion of 2-axis distribution of

24220 Geometry / channel axis distribution, conversion 2

24230 treatment with a second conversion tool

24300 channel conversion 3

24310 convert 3-axis distribution of

24320 Geometry / channel axis distribution, conversion 3

24330 with a third conversion tool handle

24400 channel conversion 4

24410 converted 4-axis distribution of

24420 Geometry / channel axis distribution, conversion 4

24426 with a fourth conversion tool handle

24430 channel conversion of 5

24432 converted 5-axis distribution of

24434 Geometry / channel axis distribution, conversion 5

24436 with a fifth conversion tool handle

24440 channel conversion 6

24442 converted 6-axis distribution of

24444 Geometry / channel axis distribution, conversion 6

24446 with a sixth conversion tool handle

24450 channel conversion 7

24452 converted 7-axis distribution of

24454 Geometry / channel axis distribution, conversion 7

24456 with a seventh conversion tool handle

24460 conversion of eight channels

24462 converted 8-axis distribution of

24464 Geometry / channel axis distribution, conversion 8

24466 8th conversion tool with a handle

24500 converted a five-axis bias vector

24510 axis of rotation 1 / 2 position offset

24520 axis of rotation 1 / 2 symbol

24530 poles of a range of five-axis transformation

24540 POL-interpolation of the end of the angle range

24550 the bottom of the tool vector

24558 Kinematics platform bias vector

24560 Campaign Bias Vector

24562 Swing shaft linear transformation of a

24564 drooping head angle

24566 virtual axis direction

24570 first rotation axis

24572 second rotation axis

24574 basic direction of tool

24580-oriented vector direction of

24585 ORI / convert a distribution channel axis

24590 Bias Trafo round-axis bias

24600 converted two five-axis bias vector

24610 axis of rotation 1 / 2 position offset

24620 axis of rotation 1 / 2 symbol

24630 converted two poles of the scope of five-axis

24640 POL-interpolation of the end of the angle range

24650 the bottom of the tool vector

24658 Kinematics platform bias vector

24660 Campaign Bias Vector

24662 Swing shaft linear transformation of two

24664 drooping head angle

24666 virtual axis direction

24670 first rotation axis

24672 second rotation axis

24674 basic direction of tool

24680-oriented vector direction of

24685 ORI / convert a distribution channel axis

24690 Bias Trafo round-axis bias

24700 tilt angle of axis 1

24710 the bottom of the tool vector

24720 the amount of speed to stay

24721 Anti-Acceleration

24750 tilt angle of axis 2

24760 the bottom of the tool vector

24770 the amount of speed to stay

24771 Anti-Acceleration

24800 axis of rotation offset TRACYL 1

24805 Round-axis conversion TRACYL 1

24810 axis of rotation symbol

24820 the bottom of the tool vector

24850 axis of rotation offset TRACYL 2

24855 Round-axis conversion TRACYL 2

24860 axis of rotation symbol

24870 the bottom of the tool vector

24900 axis of rotation offset TRANSMIT 1

24905 Round-axis transformation TRANSMIT 1

24910 axis of rotation symbol

24911 work area before and after the very limit, 2TRANSM

24920 the bottom of the tool vector

24950 axis of rotation offset TRANSMIT 2

24955 Round-axis transformation TRANSMIT 2

24960 axis of rotation symbol

24961 work area before and after the very limit, 2TRANSM

24970 the bottom of the tool vector

24995 Conversion Connection

24996 Conversion Connection

26000 impact the allocation of motor control of hardware input bytes

26002 compile start mode

26004 fast input bit mask

26006 Fast output bit of the mask

26008 M function definition

26010 impact and the definition of porous red shaft

26012 to activate red / step impulse function

Activate the automatic path to sub-26014

26016 single-axis characteristics of

26018 G603 punching / step impulse delay time

26020 Chong unstable alarm signal processing

27100 with the statement shows the absolute value of parameter

27200 MMC Information (non-physical unit)

27201 MMC status information (non-physical unit)

27202 MMC information (positioning)

27203 MMC state information (positioning)

27204 MMC information (speed)

27205 MMC state information (speed)

27206 MMC information (cutting speed)

27207 MMC state information (cutting speed)

27208 MMC information (servo)

27209 MMC state information (servo)

27800 Process method channels

27860 active program execution time measurement

27880 activated the workpiece counter

27882 M code calculation by the user-defined parts

27900% IPO buffer to enable the log file

28000 REORG (DRAM) memory space

28010 with REORG (re) LUD module (DRAM)

28020 LUD number (DRAM)

Local User Variable Number 28030

28040 LUD (DRAM) memory size

28050 R the number of parameters (SRAM)

28060 IPO buffer block (DRAM)

28070 block of programs used to prepare block (DRAM)

FRAME number 28080 can be located at coordinates (SRAM)

28081 Basic FRAME number (SRAM)

28082 System FRAME (SRAM)

28085 allocation units of a knife partial channel (SRAM)

28090 CC (DRAM) block element of the program

28100 CC (DRAM) memory size of the block

28105 Series stack memory cycle (kB) application (DRAM)

28150 write PLC variable unit (DRAM)

28160 wrote NCU joins the variable element (DRAM)

28180 trajectory data buffer size (DRAM)

28200 scope of protection of a specific channel (SRAM)

28210 effective scope of protection of synchronous (DRAM)

28212 elements of effective protected areas

28250 synchronize mobile unit (DRAM)

28252 FCTDEF-element number (DRAM)

28254 synchronized campaigns are the number of parameters, S / DRAM

28255 $ AC_PARAM [] is stored in the SRAM.

28256 simultaneous action tags-bit number (S / DRAM)

28257 AC_MARKER [] is stored in the SRAM.

28258 the number of simultaneous valid timer (DRAM)

28260 Synchronous FIFO variable number of action

No. 28262 R parameter to start the FIFO variable

28264 FIFO length of the variable AC_FIFO1 to $ AC_FIFO

Ways to handle the 28266 FIFO

28274 reservations (S / DRAM)

28276 reservations (S / DRAM)

28300 users to record the effective

28301 OEM event type the number of ETP

28302 standards for the number of ETP event type

28400 with the absolute value of the program segment shown to activate

28402 uploaded buffer settings

28500 task of preparing for (DRAM) of the stack size of the

28520 Each axis polynomial greatest number

Speed limits on the number of memory cell channel 28530

28540 storage unit displays the number of

28550 block of free memory within the

29000 Option Data

30100 configure: Drive Type

30110 configure: Drive Number / Module Number

30120 settings: Output to the sub-module / Module

30130 setting out the type of

30132 This axis is a virtual axis

30134 Set the output is not a uni-polar

30200 the number of encoder

30210 actual values: Drive Type

30220 Actual Value: drive letter / number measurement circuit

30230 Valid values: input module number / measurement cycle

30240 Actual Value: Encoding type

30242 encoder is independent

30244 encoder type

30250 internal encoder position

30260 Absolute encoders: absolute / incremental accuracy

30270 Absolute encoder: Location Buffer Mode

30280 The second drive encoder drive number

30300 rotation axis / spindle

30310 rotating shaft / spindle module changes

360-degree rotation axis 30320 Modal Display

30330 modules the size of the scope of

30340 Modulorange startup locations

30350 shaft axis analog signal

30400 of this axis can be programmed cycle C

30450 reset the default values: neutral or channel-axis

30455 axis

30460 axis

30500 This value is sub-degree axis

30501 Dividers indexing axis location of molecular

30502 indexing axis location of the denominator are equally

30503 indexing axis position of the first decile

30505 of this axis indexing teeth with sub-degree axis (Hirt)

30550 axis to change the initial settings of the channel

30552 restored automatically when the GET-axis

30554 initial setup, NCU given axis settings

30560 axis is a local connection shaft

30600 G75-axis position

30800 working area limitation type detection

31000 linear feet

31010 linear feet separated by periods

31020 marks per revolution encoder

31025 high-precision coefficient encoder

31030 screw pitch

31040 encoder mounted directly on machine tools

31044 additional gearbox at the top of the encoder

31050 denominator of the load gearbox

31060 load gear box counter

31064 additional gearbox denominator

31066 additional gearbox counter

31070 gear box solver denominator

31080 solver counter gear box

31090 INC / hand wheel weight increment

31100 monitor the number of rotation steps

31110 rotating step monitor the number of tolerance

31120 BERO detection signal along the

31122 BERO delay time

31123 BERO delay time

31130 VCO features to amend 62.5kHz

31140 VCO features to amend 125KHz

31150 VCO features to amend 185.5kHz

31160 VCO features to amend 250kHz

31200 G70/G71 force conversion factor

31300 reserved:

31310 reserved:

31320 reserved:

31330 reserved:

31340 reserved:

31350 stepper motors the maximum frequency of

31400 number of steps per revolution

31500 needed to monitor the value of the axis number

31510 service set deviation

31520 needed to monitor the value of the gain

31600 axis Vdi-Signal Track Listing

Maximum shaft speed of 32000

32010 JOG rapid traverse

32020 JOG-axis feed rate

32040 JOG mode with the overshoot of the rotation rate of feed

32050 JOG mode feed per revolution

32060 axis positioning speed of the initial set

32070 magnification corresponding to the axis hand wheel speed

32074 FRAME, or amend the value of HL does not allow

32080 optional limited increment

32082 Speed limit coverage

32084 hand wheel on the effect of the signal VDI

32090 JOG wheel with hand speed ratio

32100 direction of movement (not the feedback polarity)

32110 actual value of the symbol (feedback polarity)

32200 Servo-gain coefficient

32210 position controller reset time

32220 to activate the overall activities of position controller

32250 rated output voltage

32260 rated motor speed

32300-axis acceleration

32310 speed step overload

32400 axle limit the impact of

32402 axis collision limit the type of filter

32410 axis shock filter time constant

32412 axis vibration suppression of the frequency filter

32414 axis vibration damping filter

32420 axis to enable the impact of restrictions

32430 Shaft Impact

32431 path-axis movement of the greatest impact

32432 block of transmission path to exercise maximum axial displacement

32433 with a maximum axis acceleration scaling factor SOFT

32434 with a maximum axis acceleration scaling factor G00

32435 G00 shaft impact exercise the greatest proportion of factor

32440 foresee smooth function of frequency

32450 backlash

32452 gap weight coefficient

32460 e-compensate for the increased torque

32490 type of friction compensation

32500 in the entry into force of friction compensation

Adaptive friction compensation in 32510 at work

32520 maximum value of friction compensation

32530 minimal friction compensation value

32540 friction compensation time constant

32550 to adapt to the value of an acceleration

32560 meet the acceleration value of 2

32570 meet the acceleration value of 3

32580 Comparison of friction coefficient (to start)

32610 speed feedforward control coefficient

32620 type of feedforward control

32630 PRO feedforward control of the entry into force of

32640 Dynamic Stiffness Control

32642 dynamic stiffness control scheme

32644 Dynamic Hardness Control: Delay

32650 inertia torque feedforward control

32652 shaft torque feedforward control the quality of

32700 Encoder / screw pitch error compensation

32710 bow compensation enable

32711 Sag Compensation Survey

32720 maximum value of sag compensation

CEC changes with the speed of 32730

32750 type of temperature compensation

32760 provisional compensation rate of change

32800 current control loop of the equivalent time constant of

32810 speed control loop time constant of the equivalent

32900 Dynamic Response Adapter

32910 Dynamic adaptation time constant

32920 smooth adaptive control filter

32930 position control output filter activated

32940 position control output filter time constant

32950 position control loop damping 

32960 Position Controller dead zone

32990 physical location of a programmable delay

33000 fine interpolation type

33050 cross-section distance (PLC signal)

33100 compression of the maximum difference

34000 with a reference point for this axis Bump

34010 negative direction near the reference point

34020 cam close to the speed

34030 reference to the maximum displacement of cam

34040 reference point of the search speed pulse

34050 near the reference point reverse the direction of cam

34060 reference to the maximum distance of zero pulse

34070 reference point close to the speed

34080 reference point distance

34090 reference point bias

34092 e-cam bias

34093 reference cam / mark the distance

34100 reference point location

34102 reference point encoder synchronization

34104 Servo state marker in the search-enabled

34110 axis reference point return to the order of

34120 BERO polarity change

34200 Back to the reference point method

34210 absolute encoder adjustment of status

34220 absolute rotary encoder module area

Encoder serial number 34230

34232 encoder serial number range of

34300 from the reference point mark

34310 interval between two reference points

34320 axis / encoder movement in the opposite direction

34330 detects a reference point when the stop sign

34400 SSI encoder synchronous data

34410 SSI absolute encoders message length

34420 encoder the number of steps per revolution

34990 actual value of the smoothing time constant

35,000 allocated to the machine spindle axis

35010 variable speed grade can be changed

35012 Gear-class switching positions

35020 Spindle Initial setup

35030 to activate the basic spindle configuration

35032 Single-axis mode characterized by reset

35035 Spindle Function

35040 free spindle RESET (Reset)

Maximum spindle speed of 35100

35110 class switching maximum speed transmission

35120 minimum speed gear change files

35130 variable-level maximum speed

35140 files minimum speed gear

35150 Spindle speed tolerance

35160 PLC given spindle speed limit

35200 open-loop acceleration

35210 from the position control mode acceleration

35220 decrease the speed of acceleration

35230 reduced the acceleration

35240 decreasing acceleration switch

Reduction of the type 35242 acceleration

35300 position control speed of onset

35310 Positioning Delay

35350 locate the direction of rotation

35400 Reciprocating speed

35410 reciprocating movement of the acceleration

35430 when the initial direction of reciprocating

35440 M3 reciprocating direction of the time

35450 M4 reciprocating direction of the time

35500 Spindle feed activation

35510 static when the spindle feed-enabled

35550 features a maximum speed of drilling

35590 parameter set can be modified

36000 rough quasi-stop

Accurate quasi-Stop 36010

36012 fine stop coefficient, rough / precision and standards

36020 fine precision stop delay

36030 static error

36040 static monitoring delay time

36042 delay, pause control, torque /

36050 clamp error

36052 axis clamping special features

36060 static threshold shaft speed

36100 first negative soft limit switch

36110 1st Forward soft limit switch

36120 second negative soft limit switch

36130 2nd Forward soft limit switch

36200 speed monitor threshold

36210 maximum speed settings

36220 speed settings control the delay time

36300 Encoder limit frequency of

36302 Encoder limit frequency of re-synchronization

36310 Zero-Pulse Monitor

36400 Contour Monitoring Tolerance

36480 Tolerance

36500 Position actual value is converted to tolerance

36510 Encoder Position Tolerance

36520 required to monitor the speed threshold

36600 braking characteristics of hard-limit switch

36610 gradient braking time when an error occurs

36620 Servo enable delay time

36690 used to measure the internal data

36700 Automatic drift compensation

36710 automatic drift compensation limit value

36720 basic values drift

36730 Add the actual value of the acquisition-driven

36750 Executive $ AA_OFF Mode

36901 security features enable

36902 axis of rotation

36905 cam-mode values

36910 actual values assigned: Drive Type

36911 actual values assigned: Drive Number / measurement cycle

36912 Valid values: Enter the drive number of measuring cycles

36915 Encoder Type

36916 linear feet

36917 linear feet separated by periods

36918 marks per revolution encoder

36920 screw pitch

36921 gearbox encoder denominator than the load

36922 gearbox encoder elements than the load

36925 reversed the direction of the actual value

36926 Security Encoder Frequency Limit

36930 static error

36931 at a safe speed limit value

36932 safe speed magnification

36933 SI required for the entry into force of the speed limit

36934 a safe place restrictions on high-end

36935 a safe place with low limit

36936 security cam cam location is

36937 security cam location of the negative direction of

36940 Security Cam Tolerance

36942 Comparison of the actual value of tolerance (cross-mode)

36944 Comparison of tolerance of the actual values (reference method)

36946 safe speed threshold n_x

36948 security to stop the speed of tolerance

36949 speed tolerance zone

36950 Safe Input switching time tolerance

36951 speed change delay time

36952 STOP C to stop to a safe static type transition time

36953 STOP D class to a safe stop static transition time

36954 STOP E class stop to a safe static transition time

36955 Stop F to stop the excessive time B

36956 pulse delay time prohibited

36957 checking pulse suppression time

36958 acceptable duration of the test time limit

36960 crawling speed pulse suppression

36961 at a safe speed to stop responding

36962 a safe place to stop responding

36963 at a safe speed to stop responding

36964 IPO reactive groups of security coordination

36965 in the park the shaft when the alarm Hide

36966 brake torque limit test

36967 brake testing Position Tolerance

36970 SS / SV against the input distribution

36971 SS to prohibit the distribution of input

36972 SV select the input distribution

36973 SP choice of input distribution

36974 Ratio select input distribution

36975 Test the application to stop the input distribution

36976 state of the input distribution of pulse suppression

36977 to stop the application of external input distribution

36978 SV-magnification of the input distribution

36979 test external pulse input distribution not to be able to

36980 SS / SV output of the distribution of effective

36981 SS output of the distribution of effective

36982 effective choice of the output distribution of SV

36984 output pulses enable the allocation of external

36985 n

36986 pulse output of the release of the allocation of

36987 axis reference point return safely to the output of the definition of

36988 SC1 + to the output of the allocation of SC4 +

36989 SC1 - SC4 output of the distribution

36990 stop the output of the actual distribution of

36992 shows the time-axis cross -

36993 SI-NCK-MD data on the last change date / time

36994 previous security configuration data

36995 static position

36997 user confirmation

36998 real checksum

36999 required for the (expected) Checksum

37000 run to fixed stop mode

37002 to raise the fixed end-point Function Control

37010 default fixed-point stop clamping torque

37012 fixed time to stop clamping torque mode


37020 default range of fixed-point stops monitoring

37030 fixed stop detection threshold

37040 through fixed-point sensors to stop testing

37050 fixed stop alarm enable

37052 fixed stop alarm rollback

37060 PLC confirmed that the shielding

37070 simulation-driven torque limit

37080 torque or (FOC) Initial Settings

The definition of synchronized axes 37100

37110 synchronization error alarm limits

Restrictions on the operation of synchronizing shaft 37120

37130 Back to the synchronous operation when the reference point limit

37140 to synchronizing shaft packet is invalid

37160 to guide the value of matching

37200 "rough synchronization" of the threshold

37210 "precision synchronization" of the threshold

37220 "thick" Speed Tolerance

37230 "thin" the speed tolerance

No. 37250 Spindle speed coupling

Torque control of spindle No. 37252

37254 probe bias balance control

37255 active torque balance controller

37256 torque balance control gain coefficient

37258 Comprehensive execution time

37260 Limit torque balance control

37262 has been activated master slave

37264 Master-Slave Torque

37266 time constant traction torque

Driven shaft torque 37268

37270 master-slave speed tolerance rough

37272 master-slave speed precision tolerances

37274 into the movement from the axis direction of

37300 digital measurement of the work area restrictions ""-""

37310 digital measurement of the work area restrictions ""+""

37320 Digital Measurement of the maximum shaft speed

37400 corner identification phase Cutaway

37402 followed by the default angle tangent

37500 axis model "expansion stop and back to back"

37510 ESR uniaxial (PLC controlled axis) delay time

37511 IPO control braking time of PLC controlled axes ESR

37550 speed / speed limit warning limit

37560 to accelerate the start-axis value of

37600 Enter the time (Profibus Ti)

37602 set the output time (Profibus To)

37610 Profibus control bits to configure

37620 Profibus torque to reduce the resolution of

38000 Encoder / spindle mid-point compensation

38010 degree bend arc error compensation value of

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